Archive for December 17, 2016


Season’s end

As we sit inside looking at the garden wintering under its bed of leaves and icy snow, now is a perfect time to reflect on and sum up the season behind us. This past year, we grew 27 different types of crops and even more different varieties within our 900 square-foot plot. We harvested over 650 pounds of produce and donated 10% of what we grew. Along with eating everything fresh, we were also able to preserve an entire pantry full of food for the winter, which we are thoroughly enjoying now! With winter upon us, we’re already looking forward to the season ahead. We are excited for the garlic, onions, potatoes, and spring roots and...

Winter’s knocking

As the weather continues to cool off, things are slow in the garden, which made it easy for us to take a week away to visit family after Thanksgiving. Overall, we’ve had an pretty mild fall, but this week winter is getting real! The day after we got back from our trip, lows were forecast to drop into the 20s for the first time and that looks to be the trend for the coming week. As a result, it was officially time to do the full fall clean up in the garden. Yesterday, I harvested off everything that was left with the exception of the carrots. After doing some research, I decided...


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