Archive for April 27, 2018


Changing seasons

As May approaches, big changes are happening on the farm. Outside, we finally broke ground on our last section of beds! We had decided to hold off on building these last five beds until the spring as we were already cramped for time last fall and figured we might as well leave the area protected by grass over winter. Mike plowed up the area last week and it’s definitely with a sigh of relief that we know we’ve completed the enormous task of breaking ground and building beds… at least for this year! Inside the hoop house, it’s hard to believe that the transition to summer is already happening. After...

Oh, the weather

What a weather roller coaster this spring has been! Over the past month, we’ve had a foot of snow, 55 mph winds, temperatures of 19 and 89 degrees in the same week, and, most recently, two inches of rain in just 12 hours. Weather is always one of the most challenging variables in farming and it makes it even more so when the weather is so extreme and unpredictable. The great thing about plants is that they are for the most part pretty adaptable and just keep on growing! For us, the biggest recent change is getting back into the swing of market season. After months of seemingly endless work,...

First market newsletter!

Wow, it’s hard to believe after over a year of working to find and set up our farm that our first farmers market is finally here! It’s been a crazy winter, with both extreme cold and unusually warm weather and this fluctuation has continued into April. In fact, there is snow falling right now! Over the weekend, temperatures plummeted to 19 degrees overnight, vastly colder than it had gotten in weeks. We had seen the cold temperatures forecast, so got out on Saturday to make sure all of the outside beds were fully covered in thick row cover. Inside the hoop house, even with the plants covered not just by...

April 2018 Photo Shoot

March into April is always a transformative time on a farm in this area. As you’ll see in these photos, we went from a bare hoop house to an explosion of green and even had time to squeeze in a significant snow storm! Be on the lookout later this week for our first market newsletter in advance of our first day at the Burke farmers market this Saturday, April 14 from 8am-12pm!...


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