Archive for June 21, 2022


Spring to summer

We’re on the edge of transitioning from spring to summer items, with the cucumbers and zucchini just beginning to produce and the first potatoes nearly ready to dig. We also have tons of green tomatoes on the vines, so fingers crossed those will be on their way soon. It’s funny at this time of year, because while we welcome in the summer harvest, we’re also preparing for fall. We’ve got trays and trays of fall scallions growing under lights in the basement and are beginning to seed the fall carrots in the field. Because carrots can take nearly two weeks to germinate, this is always an onerous few weeks where...

Scapes and cabbage and more

We’re in the midst of another weather roller coaster. After some gorgeous weather last weekend, we’re now into a string of extremely hot days followed by a forecast of much cooler weather coming up. We’re over the hump of summer planting and are now moving into our heavy harvest period. Last week, Mike harvested nearly 300 pounds of cabbage and there’s still more to come in the field! The garlic scapes are in full swing and snap peas will be ready this or next week. Many of you have been asking about carrots, which should also be making an increased appearance over the next couple of weeks. Our first few...


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