Hardening off seedlings

“Hardening off” is an important part of the process of getting your home-grown seedlings prepared for life outdoors. Seedlings grown in a greenhouse, under lights (as mine are), or even on a sunny window sill need time to adjust to the new conditions they will experience outside. These little plants have never been exposed to wind, have always had exactly as much water as they want, and have been protected from direct, unfiltered sunlight. In order to help them begin to adjust to their new environment, it is important to start putting seedlings outside a week before you plan on planting them in the ground. Put them out for just a few hours the first day and in a shaded spot without direct sunlight. Gradually increase the amount of time they are outside each day and begin to introduce them to dappled and then full sun. By the end of the week, the seedlings should be outside through day and night and fairly well accustomed to life in the great outdoors just in time for them to be planted in the ground!

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